Monthly Archives: August 2018


WHAT IS A SINUS LIFT? The “sinus lift” is a bone-grafting procedure that’s required when the quantity of bone found in a patient’s upper jaw (in the region originally occupied by their bicuspid or molar teeth) is inadequate to accommodate the length of a dental implant. It’s typically performed in advance of implant placement surgery, […]


Gum (Gingival) Grafting If gum recession is affecting your health or your appearance, a procedure called gingival (gum) grafting may be recommended. Although it might sound scary, a variety of gum grafting procedures are routinely performed by periodontists (specialists in the area of gingival tissue), and by some general dentists with specialized training in this […]


Crown Lengthening Crown lengthening can minimize the amount of gum that’s viewable in your smile and can make teeth look longer. If you’re bothered by a “gummy” smile or teeth that you feel are too small, you may want to consider crown lengthening. Also known as a gum lift, this cosmetic dentistry procedure can beautify […]