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1. Bleeding will likely be present for several hours, and oozing which results in bright red saliva is common for 24 hours after surgery. If there is excessive bleeding, remove any clots with a gauze square, and place moderate but constant pressure over the bleeding area with a damp non-herbal tea bag. Hold in place […]
When damages to a tooth are extensive, it should be restored with a crown or also known as a cap. Crowns can be made from metals such as gold, palladium, and titanium; or from porcelain or plastic polymers. A fixed bridge is made from two or more crowns attached together to support and fill the […]
Getting Used to the Occlusal Guard: If you are concerned about getting used to your occlusal guard, especially if this is your first appliance, then consider the first week as an adjustment period. After dinner each night, wear the night-guard for several hours. At first you may salivate more than normal. Once you find you […]
Congratulations! By saving your tooth with root canal treatment, you have made a significant step towards better oral health. A healthy body starts with a healthy mouth. How to care for your teeth following root canal therapy: Root canal therapy often takes two or more appointments to complete. A temporary filling or crown is placed […]